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Could an admin DM me when you have a second. I have a request. Thank you.
Hi. Email verification is fixed. Anyone who did not receive it, you account is valid. PM for any issues.
If you are having verification issues still please DM me
@BioLink my discord account is stuck in verification welcome, @gvkhna
@BioLink, unable to join Discord server, please help. Double Counter keeps flagging me for using a VPN, which I’m not. Any suggestions?
The known discord issue with verification has been updated. Please check again. If you still have issues PM me on the forum with your username.
My discord account was banned as it was hacked, I’ve resolved issue now, could you add me back please
@BioLink, tried verifying on the discord server. It says I was verified. I can't access anything though. Username: mogulman_
I can't seem to join the discord anymore. I was verified and a member for awhile and not sure if I was banned or what? I was an incredibly unremarkable member that lurked, so not sure why booted. Any help appreciated.
Check again, issues have been updated.
Can't get past verification on discord
Discord accounts were updated if you had issue verification. Restart discord and your account should be OK!
I want to join but verification failed
Failed to join discord
@captain0434, can you please DM your discord username?
@Crow9x3, can you please DM your discord username?
@jrcpoke, There is a link in the top header.
Just joined the discord server and when to verify but it keep saying this interaction failed
Hey there, I tried to join the discord server but stupidly used a new account I made to attempt verification. I then tried to use my actual account but got this message. “Max failed verification attempts have been reached. Your account has been locked” Is there any thing that can be done?
@beaverbachovski, No. should have read the rules before trying to join with multiple accounts and alt accounts. Goodluck :).
Wondering what I need to do to join the discord. When trying to use the link it just says invalid
Wondering how to join? Link is expired
So if the link is expired, our acount can no longer access the discord, is that it?
The discord link is expired..
Every discord link ive clicked on in this forum seem to have expired
Discord link is expired
Crack version
Also showing expired
Currently the discord is invite only through other members. Maybe the invite link will be open again in the near future but not now. Thanks.
hey im trying to get into the discord if anyone would like to hook me up
Also trying to get into the discord if anyone could send me an invite I would appreciate it
same here, im looking to join the discord too. would appreciate an invite
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
- 7 day invite. Join before it expires.
Would love to get a discord invite
Or can anyone recommend a good iptv service
Need the discord invite link. Lost access to the server (not sure how). Can anyone kindly share here. The link posted above is no longer valid.
Can’t search to find discord invite despite verification email
@.glenjammin, contact me
How could I get a discord invite please ?
Missed out on the discord invite link. Would like to join the community. Thank you.
following up, thank you
Anyone have the discord link?
@Jim nolley, are you able to assist with discord invite?
@BioLink, can we have another invite link please
May I have a discord link please?
Hi all, may I get a discord link?
Discord link plz
did you guys figure out discord link yet
i did all the verification process but still stuck in verification
I need a working link for discord please
Can anyone provide a discord link that works please?
why are the discord links invalid
i did everything accept set your avatar and set your signature
Hi, could someone be so kind to send me a working Discord link please? Thanks a million!
working link to join your discord please
Hello! I'm new here. I'm not sure how to verify my email or get the Discord link
Looking for a working link to discord please